Saturday, September 17, 2011

Jute Fibre Quality

The annual production of jute is second only to cotton and two main growing areas are Bangladesh and India. A small crops is grown in Brazil but is for home consumption. Grade designation for jute are rather complicated because growers and exporters use certain system and manufacturers use other.

The two botanical species of jute CORCHORUS CAPSULARIS and CORCHORUS OLITORIUS,their more common names while jute and Tossa Jute

Grading is carried out in two stages, one close to its source and the second at the bailing station. The grade bales are tightly pressed,weight 400 lb,and valled 'pukka'bales.Quality is assessed by consideration of such fibre properties as texture,colour, lustre,length cleanliness.

The pukka bales are graded to indicate Their Make up:
TOP sound fibre of good colour for the district and containing not more than 25 percent cent 'cutting' MIDDLE .Sound fibre are averages colour and containing not more than 25 percent cuttings.

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