Saturday, September 17, 2011

Flax Fibre Quality

Flax Quality

The author is indebted to the Linen Industry Research Association for the note on the grading of flax which follow

Flax Grading

The value of parcel of flax to the spinner depended on the quality of the yarn which may be spun and on the quantity of yarn obtained.When grading,the grader must attempt assess the various characteristics that are related to these to factors and to integrate them into a single value or grade.
The spinning quality depended mainly on the fineness and the strength of the fibre strands and lesser degree, on their length.Flax with fine strands is compact and is of better quality than flax with coarse strands and low apparent density colour and uniformity are also taken into account.The quantity of yarn obtained from a lot of flax depends on the yield i heckling.Heckling yield depends on a number of factors.
(1).The handling of the flax:i.e. freedom from knots and tangles.
(2).Cleanliness: i.e.the amount dust remaining after scutching.
(3).Fibre length:Especially the amount of short fibre present.
(4).Strength and fineness of the fibre:The flax markets in different parts of the world each has its own systems of marking the various qualities.

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