Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Test Procedure For Cotton

(1) Very carefully weight the sample of 50 gr (3.24 gm) with a good quality balance.An accuracy of ± 0.1 gr (6 gm) is permissible.Use a balance shielded against air currents, as they can cause erroneous sample weight.
(2) Work the sample into a fluffy mass with the fingers to thoroughly randomize the fibres,eliminating all knotty balls and stringy section of fibre.
(3) Place the sample in the fibre compression chamber.
(4)Insert the fibre compression plunger and look into place by twisting.This compress the sample into a porous fibre plug of 1 in.diameter and 1in. length.
(5) Step on the foot pedal to turn on the air and take the scale reading to the nearest 0.1 scale unite at the point level with the top of the float.
(6) Step on the foot pedal to shut off the air,remove the fibre compression plunger and again step on the foot pedal.The sample will be blown out of the compression chamber.
(7) Before inserting another sample, operate the foot pedal to shut off the air supply.
(8) It is recommended that at two sample be chosen and weight from each test lost.

Interpretation Of The Results:

The use of micronaire values for the indication of variation in maturity within a particular growth hass been discussed carlier.A report on the micronaire test is given by Lord.Lord point out that the micronaire test for raw cotton may be used in conjunction with (1) the fibre weight per centimeter to assess fibre maturity, and (2) the routine maturity test ti estimated intrinsic fibre fineness .
The average fibre weight per centimeter,H has been determined by the usual routine method,and micronaire test is made on the same sample.The maturity ratio, M, of the cotton can be calculated using the equation
Knowing H and M ,the standard fibre weight per centimeter can then be calculate from Hs=H/M.
(2) From immaturity test figure for percentages of normal and dead fibres,the maturity ratio M may be calculated and then combined with the information derived from the micronaire test to give the average fibre weight per centimeter.

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